Prof. Carles Bo


Group Leader:

Carles Bo

Group Administrative Coordinator:

Núria Vendrell

Postdoctoral Researchers:

Mireia Segado / Enric Petrus (from November)

PhD Students:

Enric Petrus (until November) / Diego Garay / Alba Villar (Prof. Kleij group) / Jordi Buils / Marco Nicaso (Prof. Llobet group)

Summer fellow

Berta Bori

System Manager:

Martín Gumbau González


Moisés Àlvarez Moreno

ICIQ’s Digitalization Technician in training:

Aleix Mariné


The Bo group develops and applies computational methods to address chemical reactivity problems, in catalyzed metal reactions in metal-free organocatalytic reactions, in supramolecular systems, and in polyoxymetallic chemistry. The group uses methods based on functional density theory (DFT) and molecular simulations as basic tools to elucidate reaction mechanisms and properties in solution. The group is actively participating in the promotion of open publication and in the development of advanced workflows through its platform.


New Tools for Taming Complex Reaction Networks: The Unimolecular Decomposition of Indole Revisited
Garay-Ruiz, D.; Álvarez-Moreno, M.; Bo, C.; Martínez-Núñez, E.
ACS Phys. Chem Au 2022, 2 (3), 225–236

Grafting of Anionic Decahydro-Closo-Decaborate Clusters on Keggin and Dawson-Type Polyoxometalates: Syntheses, Studies in Solution, DFT Calculations and Electrochemical Properties
Diab, M.; Mateo, A.; El Cheikh, J.; El Hajj, Z.; Haouas, M.; Ranjbari, A.; Guérineau, V.; Touboul, D.; Leclerc, N.; Cadot, E.; Naoufal, D.; Bo, C.; Floquet, S.
Molecules 2022, 27 (22), 7663

Computational Prediction of Speciation Diagrams and Nucleation Mechanisms: Molecular Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum Oxide Nanoclusters in Solution
Petrus, E.; Segado-Centellas, M.; Bo, C.
Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61 (35), 13708–13718


Mechanistic insights of molecular metal polyselenides for catalytic hydrogen generation
Elliott, A.; McAllister, J.; Masaityte, L.; Segado-Centellas, M.; Long, D. L.; Ganin, A. Y.; Song, Y. F.; Bo, C.; Miras, H. N.
Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 6906-6909

Chemical reaction network knowledge graphs: the OntoRXN ontology
Garay-Ruiz, D.; Bo, C.
Cheminformatics 2022, 14, 29

Unparalleled selectivity and electronic structure of heterometallic [LnLn′Ln] molecules as 3-qubit quantum gates
Maniaki, D.; Garay-Ruiz, D.; Barrios, L. A. Martins, D. O. T. A.; Aguilà, D.; Tuna, F.; Reta, D.; Roubeau, O.; Bo, C.; Aromí, G.
Chem. Sci. 2022

Domino Synthesis of Bicyclic 3,5-Anhydro Furanose Mimics Using a Binary Al(III) Complex/Halide Catalyst
Qiao, C.; Villar-Yanez, A.; Garay-Ruiz, D.; Benet Buchholz, J.; Bo, C.; Kleij, A. W.
ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 5464–5469

Elucidating Sulfide Activation Mode in Metal-Catalyzed Sulfoxidation Reactivity
Garay-Ruiz, D.; Zonta, C.; Lovat, S.; González-Fabra, J.; Bo, C.; Licini, G.
Inorg. Chem. 2022

Predicting the Solubility of Inorganic Ions Pairs in Water
Rahman, T.; Petrus, E.; Segado, M.; Martin, N. P.; Palys, L. N.; Rambaran, M. A.; Ohlin, C. A.; Bo, C.; Nyman, M.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202117839

Cascade Transformation of Carbon Dioxide and Alkyne-1,n-diols into Densely Substituted Cyclic Carbonates
Li, X.; Villar-Yanez, A.; Ngassam Tounzoua, C.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Grignard, B.; Bo, C.; Detrembleur, C.; Kleij, A. W.
ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 2854–2860

New Tools for Taming Complex Reaction Networks: The Unimolecular Decomposition of Indole Revisited
Garay-Ruiz, D.; Álvarez-Moreno, M.; Bo, C.; Martínez-Núñez, E.
ACS Phys. Chem Au 2022

Ni-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Silylation of Alkynyl Carbonates: Access to Chiral Allenes via Enantiospecific Conversions
Guo, K.; Zeng, W.; Villar-Yanez, A.; Bo, C.; Kleij, A. W.
Org. Lett. 2022, 24 (2), 637–641


Computational sustainable chemistry
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref: PID2020-112825RB-100 | Proyectos I+D – Retos

Beatriu de Pinós Grant
AGAUR | Ref: 2019BP00190

2021 SGR 01257


Theses Supervised

Enric Petrus
November 10, 2022
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Development and mechanistic study of Single Sites in 2D-Covalent Organic Frameworks for CO2 Electroreduction


ICIQ alumnus Pere Miró awarded with a NSF Career Award

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